San Diego Requesting comments on Street Design Manual
San Diego is developing an update to the street design manual that guides the layout and safety features of our streets as they are updated. This is our opportunity to provide feedback to the city to ensure that safe walking, biking, transit and driving guides the design of our public shared thoroughfares. While the design manual does stress that complete streets is the basis for the various designs presented, thee are still areas that we feel can be improved. According to the city website:
“The Street Design Manual provides information and guidance for the design of the public right-of-way that recognizes the many and varied purposes that a street serves. The Street Design Manual is an appendix to the Land Development Manual and is intended to assist in the implementation of the General Plan, the Mobility Master Plan, the Climate Action Plan and the Land Development Code. In addition, it is intended to assist in the implementation of the special requirements established through community plans, specific plans, precise plans or other City Council-adopted policy and/or regulatory documents. This manual complements compact, mixed-use development, supports walkable and bikeable neighborhoods, and substantiates the importance of site planning in the design of an effective, connected, multimodal street system.”
As we develop our safer streets in Uptown recommendations, we will use this manual as a basis for consideration of changes.
Here is the link for the city site to review and comment on the document.