April Newsletter
Call(S) to Action
More than one call to action! We know, it’s a lot! It’s a busy month! :)
Support Let’s Go San Diego - A Transit-Oriented Ballot Initiative
This initiative, slated to bring much needed funding to our transit system, has officially gotten enough signatures to be on the November 2024 ballot! Be sure to check out their website and follow them on all the relevant platforms to keep up to date with them and support this important measure!
Check out their website LetsGoSD.org
Like their Facebook Page
Follow them on Instagram @LetsGoSD
Follow them on X/Twitter @LetsGoSD2024
Follow them on LinkedIn
Support Pride Plaza & New Bikeways - Construction Delayed
SANDAG staff say that the Pride Plaza and Normal Street Promenade is not on hold, but it is. Negotiations unrelated to construction are dragging on and every week they go on is more time that this project is delayed. We need to put pressure on SANDAG leadership to break this deadlock and “release the construction bid package.”
Read more about the project and use our templates to send in comments supporting the project here.
Neighborhood News
CPG Application - One Step Closer!
As you’ve likely already heard, the Land Use & Housing committee has voted 4-0 recommending to the full City Council that they recognize our application to create the new Uptown Community Planning Group (UCPG)! We are thrilled at the outcome of the vote and have high hopes for when it makes its way to the full vote of the Council. If selected, we would be facilitating an election within 90 days to find and elect people from the community to the new CPG. We hope you will consider running!
Read more about our CPG application here.
Plan Hillcrest Amendment - New Draft Released
An updated draft of the Plan Hillcrest amendment has been released! Don’t forget to attend our town hall event for it on April 10th (check the calendar for details). In the meantime, you can review the updated draft on the plan’s official website and submit written comments through April 29th.
See our Plan Hillcrest page for more information and suggested written comments.
Hillcrest DMV Redevelopment - Town Hall with Assemblymember Chris Ward
The Hillcrest DMV property has had legislation proposed in order to redevelop the site with affordable housing. On March 27th, Assemblymember Chris Ward held an event where he gave an update and took community feedback on AB1635. The bill gives the State until 2026 to agree to a lease with the City to develop the property with at least 20% low/very low income housing. It would still house the DMV and the rest of the details of the property would be based on what developers propose. Thus far, it has passed first committee in the assembly.
We hope to see this legislation move forward and bring much needed housing to the community!
Legislation Highlights
Measure HLA (Healthy Streets LA) in Los Angeles Passed!
Recently, LA voters passed a citizen-led ballot initiative to make their streets safer and more efficient. We’re super excited for them, and super excited to see what lessons we can learn and apply here locally. In the meantime, the story of how a ballot measure is born and ultimately passed is quite an interesting read:
On Our Minds
Cities Aren’t Loud, Cars Are Loud
It’s worth pointing out, a lot of hand-wringing occurs over building more housing. When you look beneath the covers, the issue isn’t really the housing itself, it’s the supposed side effects. One of the top concerns is usually related to “additional traffic” and the impact that poses on the neighborhood. We think this is important concern to highlight. Not because it means we shouldn’t build more housing, but because it means we should find ways to build and arrange our community so we don’t need to rely on cars in the first place. After all, if we build more housing and it doesn’t bring any additional cars or traffic with it, don’t we accomplish other great things in the process? In the case of Uptown, building more housing here means putting more people near all the jobs and restaurants we have. Now more people can walk, bike, and transit to wherever they need to go. Even better, more people nearby means more customers nearby for local businesses. So, we pose the question.. is density really the problem, or is too many cars the problem?
Upcoming Events
Plan Hillcrest Town Hall
We’re hosting a public forum to gather community feedback on the latest Plan Hillcrest Amendment draft. Join us alongside other community leaders, city representatives, and staff to hear about the latest draft and then break out into discussion groups focused on each section of the plan. All feedback we gather will be submitted to the city afterwards! The town hall is on Wednesday, April 10th at 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the LGBT Center at 3909 Centre St, San Diego, CA 92103. See more details here.
Our Regular Meeting
We meet every other Sunday to discuss issues, events, and advocacy centered around the Uptown neighborhood. All are welcome. Join us in-person or virtually for our next meeting on Sunday, April 7th at 1:30pm at West Bean Coffee Roasters at 4th Ave and Laurel in Banker’s Hill. You can see all our upcoming events and meetings on our community calendar. Come join us!
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